Managing Others Through Change
Supervisors and frontline managers have the toughest job; they are the most important link to the potential success of any change, because it is up to them to carry the ball for the ongoing communication after the initial announcement. Successful change requires effective and consistent communication.
First Things First provides processes and skills to identify where each person and work team is in The Change Cycle™ and provides the manager with the information necessary to minimize change anxiety, lead effectively and efficiently and increase productivity!
Learning Outcomes
Participants return to work the next day with the ability, tools, and confidence to:
- Implement specific management success strategies for each stage of The Change Cycle™
- Identify their management communication style and how it relates to the management style needed in each stage of The Change Cycle™
- Differentiate between proactive and reactive change situations and identify the best skills to use with individuals and groups
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Learner Experience
First Things First will equip management and change agents to know how to communicate well and use the right strategy at the right time.